About Me

Samantha Arreola

About Me

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), and am able to provide online therapy services to clients throughout the state of California. I attended California State University, Fresno where I earned my Masters of Social Work. From there I moved to San Luis Obispo, CA, where I discovered my love for the beach. I have worked in a variety of treatment settings including schools, community settings, Juvenile Hall, and hospital settings. I moved to the bay area in 2018, where I have predominantly worked with adults dealing with depression, anxiety, and trauma. More specifically, I am passionate about supporting individuals working through childhood trauma because I have seen that I have a natural calling for this, which is due to my own personal experience of healing from childhood trauma and also my dedication to continual research.

Some things I enjoy in my spare time are reading, strength training, hot yoga, spending time with my dog, hiking, watching TV shows, and trying new restaurants. I've recently gotten into learning salsa dancing, which has been so fun! I also enjoy practicing spirituality through breathing practices, meditation, journaling, manifestations, positive affirmations, and doing activities that strengthen my mind, body, and spirit. I consider myself to be an accepting person that is open to many ways of living, which creates a judgment-free and safe space for you to share. Therapy is my passion, and I think it will show in my work with you.

My Mission

My mission is to help destigmatize mental health therapy and convey a message that mental health is for everyone, just as physical health is. I believe everyone should see a therapist or counselor in their lifetime to get mentally fit and improve their overall quality of life.

The therapeutic relationship is unique in that you share parts of yourself you may have never shared with anyone else, so finding a good fit is key. It is an honor to be your therapist and hear your story. My mission is for you to understand your story, make peace with it, and find meaning in your hardships and struggles.

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My Values


Therapy is confidential, which means it is private. I do not share any information you share with me with anyone else, unless you give me written permission to do so. There are some exceptions to confidentiality which include if you have serious plans to harm yourself, harm others, or if you tell me that a minor or person above 65 years old is being abused, then I have an obligation to keep you safe by reaching out to the appropriate authorities.

All information provided to me is Protected Health Information (PHI) and is safely stored electronically with passwords and is not accessible to anyone. I will provide you with more information on this in your Notice to Privacy Practices when we start treatment, and if you have further questions I can answer them then.


I value creativity in my work and may incorporate journaling, readings, painting, guided imagery, meditations, creative activities, and visualizations. I may also share other tools you may find helpful such as podcasts, books, articles, and websites. I will make sure it is something you feel comfortable with before I share. I believe there are many therapeutic creative outlets out there, and if this is something you enjoy I will find a creative way to incorporate it into sessions. I value your time and will make sure you get the most out of your sessions with me, so many of these things I may ask you to do outside of therapy and share with me in the following session.


I value vulnerability and believe it is important in this work. Facing the hardship that you have been through is not easy, and you do not have to do it alone. In our work together being vulnerable enough to openly share your challenges is important. I am passionate about supporting you on your healing journey, and turning deep wounds and traumas, into your greatest strengths. While we all try to ignore and avoid the process of healing because it is emotionally draining, it is exactly what we need to face and work through. I know this is not easy and I strive to meet you where you are at emotionally, work at your pace, and ask for you to be vulnerable, and put in the work to see great progress.


I accept people of all races, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, backgrounds, and upbringings. I accept you where you are at in this moment, whether you are feeling pretty miserable or just needing some extra support. I value culture and strive to provide a culturally competent practice. I do this by humbly allowing you to educate me on any culture and sub-cultures you identify with. Being that I am of mixed race, Caucasian and Mexican, I understand how my culture has shaped my world view, and believe it is important to have a therapist that values cultures you identify with.

Let's connect online & get started!