Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy San Diego

A New Approach to Mental Wellness: Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Experience a breakthrough in your mental health journey with KAP

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Have you struggled to find relief from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, or PTSD?

Traditional therapy can be quite helpful, but for some people, it may not provide the breakthrough needed. Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) shows promise for treatment-resistant conditions, with studies suggesting effectiveness in up to 70% of cases for depression. Inward Healing Therapy recommends exploring KAP as a potential solution to help you achieve lasting improvement.

Important Note: Inward Healing Therapy does not provide Ketamine infusions directly. KAP consists of a low dosage of ketamine provided by a medical specialist in a controlled setting, followed by psychotherapy sessions with our qualified therapists.

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy

What is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a cutting-edge therapeutic strategy that incorporates low-dose ketamine into psychotherapy sessions. Ketamine, a medicine generally used as an anesthetic, has shown promise in recent studies for treating symptoms of treatment-resistant mental health disorders.

Here's a breakdown of KAP's key components:

  • Low-Dose Ketamine: During a KAP session, a medical professional will administer a carefully monitored, low dose of ketamine. This dose is much lower than what's used for anesthesia and won't cause you to lose consciousness.

  • Psychotherapy Sessions: KAP treatment doesn't stop at ketamine administration. Licensed therapists will guide you through psychotherapy sessions before, during (if appropriate), and after your ketamine experience. These sessions provide a safe space to process the insights gained during the ketamine-assisted state and integrate them into your ongoing therapy journey.

The combination of ketamine and psychotherapy creates a powerful synergy:

  • Ketamine may enhance neuroplasticity, which encourages the formation of new neural connections in the brain. This may help you create new coping skills and break free from negative mental habits.

  • Ketamine can promote a more open and responsive state of mind. This enables you to discuss tough feelings and memories with your therapist in a secure and supportive atmosphere.

Who Can Benefit from Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?

KAP is a viable therapeutic alternative for people suffering from problems that have not responded well to standard therapy procedures. Here are some circumstances when KAP might be useful:

Treatment-Resistant Depression

It could provide a fresh approach to treatment if you've struggled with persistent depression that hasn't improved with medicine or counseling.

Anxiety Disorders

It has a potential in mitigating symptoms associated with many anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

KAP's dissociative and emotional processing effects may assist people with PTSD face their trauma and minimize related symptoms.

It's crucial to understand that KAP isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Our professional therapists in San Diego will perform a thorough examination to decide whether KAP is the best therapy choice for you. This examination will take into account your particular medical history, present mental health status, and any potential dangers or contraindications.

How Does Ketamine Feel?

It's important to understand that ketamine experiences can vary from person to person. However, many patients report positive effects that last around 45 minutes. Here's a general idea of what you might experience:

  • A sense of detachment: Ketamine can make you feel "far from" your body, creating a sense of separation.

  • Shifts in perception: You may experience altered perceptions, often described as expansive or dreamlike.

  • Reduced motor and verbal abilities: Due to the effects of ketamine, you'll be reclining comfortably and may find speaking or moving difficult.

Once the effects subside, we'll dedicate time in our session for you to process and discuss your experience. While it may be challenging to fully articulate what happened, many patients report gaining valuable insights during the ketamine state.

Research suggests that ketamine's benefits on mood and neurological growth can last up to two weeks after the session.

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The KAP Process at Inward Healing Therapy

At Inward Healing Therapy, we offer a comprehensive KAP program that utilizes ketamine lozenges to support your mental health journey. This program emphasizes the integration of psychotherapy following the lozenge administration, which is managed by our partner clinic, Journey Clinical. Here's a breakdown of the process:

1. Initial Consultation with Journey Clinical:

  • Schedule a virtual evaluation with a Journey Clinical clinician. They will review your medical and mental health history, educate you on KAP, and determine if you're eligible.

  • If eligible, Journey Clinical will develop a personalized ketamine prescription and treatment plan.

  • They will send a small amount of lozenges to your home for the first two KAP sessions. You'll also receive instructions on self-administering the lozenges and taking vitals.

2. Preparation Sessions with Inward Healing Therapy:

  • Once you have your lozenges, we'll schedule preparation sessions to discuss the KAP process and set intentions for your sessions.

3. KAP Dosing Session:

  • Dosing sessions last 1-2 hours.

  • During the session, you'll self-administer the lozenge in a comfortable, reclining position while wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music. I'll be present virtually to provide support throughout the experience.

4. Integration Sessions with Inward Healing Therapy:

  • Following your KAP session, we'll meet for multiple therapy sessions to process the experiences, thoughts, and insights that arose during your dosing session. This helps integrate them into your ongoing therapy and develop new coping skills.

5. Follow-Up Consultations with Journey Clinical:

  • Journey Clinical medical team will schedule regular follow-ups to monitor your progress and prescribe lozenge refills as needed. These consultations typically occur at least quarterly.

Important Notes:

  • A minimum of 6-8 dosing sessions are recommended for lasting change, with maintenance sessions potentially needed afterward.

  • Currently, I can only provide virtual guidance during dosing sessions. If you choose virtual sessions, you'll need a trusted chaperone present whom I can check in with beforehand.

We understand that KAP can be a powerful tool for healing. Our program prioritizes your safety and well-being throughout the process. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Safety And Considerations For KAP

Safety and Considerations for KAP

While it offers promising results for treatment-resistant conditions, it's important to be aware of some safety considerations and factors to keep in mind:

  • Medical Clearance: You will need a thorough medical evaluation by a qualified physician before undergoing KAP. This ensures KAP is safe for you considering your individual medical history and any potential contraindications.

  • Temporary Changes During Treatment: Some people experience brief changes in perception, feelings of dissociation, or nausea during the ketamine session. These are temporary and typically subside within a short period. Your therapist will discuss these in detail beforehand and be by your side throughout the process to ensure your comfort.

  • Not a Replacement for Traditional Therapy: KAP is intended to be used in conjunction with psychotherapy, not as a standalone treatment. Integration therapy sessions are crucial for processing the experiences gained during the ketamine-assisted state and for building on the potential benefits.

  • Everyone responds differently to KAP treatment: While some individuals experience significant symptom relief within hours or days of KAP treatment, results can vary. It's important to maintain realistic expectations and approach KAP as a potential tool to enhance your overall treatment journey.

healthy boundaries

Take the Next Step Towards Healing

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) offers a promising new approach for individuals struggling with treatment-resistant conditions, accessible from the comfort of your own home. By combining the potential of low-dose ketamine with our online psychotherapy sessions, KAP can help you unlock new pathways to healing and experience lasting positive change.

At Inward Healing Therapy, we specialize in providing online KAP sessions. Our experienced therapists in San Diego will guide you through every step of the process, from the initial consultation to online integration therapy sessions following your ketamine experience (which will occur at a separate medical facility).

If you're interested in learning more about how online KAP could benefit you, contact Inward Healing Therapy today to schedule a free consultation. We're here to answer your questions and help you explore this innovative treatment option, all from the privacy of your own space.

Get Started Today

Many people in San Diego and throughout California battle with continuing emotional instability, moodiness, and chronic dissatisfaction. Is this your situation? Contact Inward Healing Therapy when you’re ready to take control of your emotions. Emotions may both heal and damage — and in our online Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, we will demonstrate the distinction.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us and check out my FAQ page for more information.

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