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Imagine a relationship in which both parties are satisfied, supported, and powerful. This joyful reality is possible, but it involves prioritizing self-care while still developing your relationship with your spouse. Focusing on yourself in a relationship does not imply disregarding your significant other. It's about pursuing your own hobbies, preserving your emotional well-being, and creating appropriate limits. This establishes the groundwork for a stronger, more rewarding connection.

Individuals with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or trauma, on the other hand, may find it difficult to practice self-care in their relationships. You may have difficulty communicating, controlling your mental health symptoms, or establishing boundaries to preserve your well-being. This post will show you how to prioritize self-care in a relationship while dealing with mental health issues. Learn effective ways for strengthening your...

How to Make Friendships as Adults

Remember the carefree days of making friends on the playground? Those days seem like a distant memory for many adults. Back then, socializing might have come naturally, filled with laughter and shared secrets. But navigating friendships in adulthood can feel like an uphill battle, a playground we can't quite reach anymore. This isn't just a personal struggle – loneliness is actually a widespread epidemic, affecting a staggering 40% of people, with young adults and mothers with young children hit particularly hard.

Brainspotting therapy session

Consider the aftereffects of a previous encounter - a tightness in your chest, a racing heart, or a repeated vision. Trauma may leave these scars on our thoughts and bodies long after the incident itself has passed. Traditional talk therapy, while beneficial, can sometimes feel restricted in its ability to address the underlying causes of these problems.

Brainspotting provides an alternative approach to healing. It is a type of treatment that goes beyond the constraints of conscious cognition and reaches into deeper emotional wellsprings. Brainspotting, which focuses on precise eye positions, can help us detect and relieve the underlying emotional and physical tension linked with trauma. This voyage will go into the realm of brainspotting therapy, describing its fundamental concepts, procedure, and possible advantages for people seeking deeper healing and emotional liberation.

Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

People talk about stress and anxiety quite a bit in the fast-paced modern environment. Although these words are often used synonymously, they speak to distinct experiences that affect people differently. Understanding the distinctions between stress and anxiety is critical to successful management and general well-being. This guide explores what distinguishes stress from anxiety, its parallels and differences, and how to successfully manage both.

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The struggle for mental well-being is still evolving. While standard therapies such as medicine and talk therapy have saved many people's lives, a large proportion of the population suffers from treatment-resistant illnesses. Depression, anxiety, and PTSD may make people feel confined. In response, new techniques are developing, bringing fresh hope.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is at the forefront of this research. Ketamine, a well-known anesthetic, has shown potential in treating mental health issues. According to studies, KAP can be especially useful for people who have failed to achieve success using standard ways. In reality, study indicates a striking statistic: 55% of patients saw a lasting reduction in depression symptoms following KAP therapy. This is in...


Have you ever been overtaken by a love attraction? One in which intrusive thoughts consume your head and every activity feels like a personal reflection? This extreme attraction, frequently mistaken for love, might be limerence.

Limerence is a condition of extreme obsession on another individual. It is distinguished by obsessive thoughts, emotional reliance, and a need for reciprocation, however unachievable. While the first rush is exciting, limerence may become all-consuming and emotionally taxing, especially when associated with previous experiences.

This examines the relationship between limerence and childhood trauma. We'll look at what limerence is, how childhood experiences can influence it, and what effects it can have on our life.

women food anxiety

Have you ever been concerned about what you ate? Maybe you're concerned about particular meals having bad health consequences, or maybe the pressure to appear a certain way makes mealtimes uncomfortable. If so, you are not alone. Food anxiety is an increasing worry among individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Food anxiety extends beyond the common concerns about weight reduction and healthy eating. It can appear in a variety of ways, such as fearing certain meals, feeling overwhelmed by food options, or feeling guilty and ashamed after eating. This persistent concern can have a negative impact on both your emotional and physical health, making it difficult to enjoy eating and fuel your body appropriately.

The good news is that food anxiety is treatable. Understanding what it is, the reasons that contribute to it, and coping skills can help you create a healthy connection with food and lessen anxiety around mealtimes. This article will walk you through each phase, providing practical suggestions and tools to help you overcome your...

Understanding Protest Behavior Anxious Attachment Reclaim Your Relationships

Have you ever felt the need for frequent reassurance in a relationship? Perhaps you are excessively concerned about your partner's distance, which leads to conflicts and emotional ups and downs. This might indicate a worried connection.

Attachment styles, which develop in early life, determine how we interact with romantic relationships. People with anxious attachment frequently have a great dread of abandonment. "Protest behavior," a series of harmful coping techniques aimed at recovering a sense of security and connection in the relationship, might express this dread.

Protest behavior may appear to be a means to communicate your wants, but it might instead drive your spouse away. We'll look at the causes of nervous attachment and protest behavior, helping you discover common patterns and learn healthier methods to negotiate your relationships. Understanding yourself and utilizing good communication strategies can allow you to form stronger, more secure connections.

holiday anxiety

The holidays. A time for glittering lights, songs filling the fresh air, and the comfort of loved ones gathering around. However, for many, the holiday season brings unpleasant tension. This heightened state of concern and tension, known as holiday anxiety, can throw a pall over what should be a joyous occasion.

You are not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed by holiday expectations, stressed about finances, or dreading family gatherings. According to studies, a sizable proportion of the population suffers from holiday anxiety. We'll look at the reasons and symptoms of this phenomena, provide you with practical coping strategies, and help you traverse the season more easily. Let us reverse the tide of holiday stress and uncover the pleasure that lurks beyond the surface of the festive enthusiasm.

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Gratitude is a powerful tool to living a more meaningful life. I’ll start this story off with one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite persons;

“If you are grateful for what you have, you will be given more to be grateful for.”- Jay Shetty

When was the last time you took the time to savor the simple pleasures in life—the warmth of the sun on your skin or the generosity of a stranger? When we look at these seemingly insignificant experiences with thankfulness, they have the power to change our outlook and improve our wellbeing. Gratitude, or the act of being grateful for what we have, is a powerful tool for building inner peace and pleasure, not just a passing emotion.

We can easily become mired in the pursuit of what we lack while trying to make sense of the many things in life. However, what if we changed our emphasis? Being grateful encourages us to recognize and value the good things in our lives, both material and immaterial. It's about appreciating the people in our lives who make us better, the events that mold us, and the complex network...

rigid boundary wall

Consider an invisible force field surrounding you—a personal space that limits how close you allow people to get. This space, both physical and emotional, indicates your limitations. Healthy boundaries are vital for building solid, secure partnerships. They help you feel respected and valued while also keeping you from feeling overwhelmed or exploited.

However, these boundaries might become stiff and unyielding. They act like a solid wall, separating you from others. While this may seem protective at first, it can eventually lead to isolation and impede genuine connections. This article explores the world with rigid limits. We will look at their nature, the causes of their development, and possible consequences on your life. We will also talk about how to control these limits with one another and with yourself thus building a basis for healthy and productive relationships.


Have you ever questioned your own recall or sanity following a conversation with someone? You inform them that they said something cruel, but they flatly deny it. You lend them something worthwhile, but then they say you never did. These encounters can be quite puzzling, leaving you questioning if your recollection is wrong or if you're exaggerating.

This is the insidious nature of gaslighting, a type of emotional abuse that manipulates a person's view of reality. Gaslighters gradually damage your self-esteem and trust by denying events, diminishing your feelings, and manipulating the truth. This essay will teach you how to recognize gaslighting's red flags. With this understanding, you can protect yourself and form healthy connections.

life transitions

Say you find yourself at a fork in the road. The well-traveled route you've been using is blocked, requiring you to make a decision. This sense of unpredictability and disturbance is what transitions in life are all about. Adult changes, in contrast to the exhilarating ones of youth, frequently entail loss: a job, a loved one, a routine. Feeling terrified, confused, and overwhelmed is natural. But keep in mind that this intersection is not a dead end. It's a chance to take fresh turns and uncover latent abilities. You can overcome these difficult times and come out stronger, more resilient, and prepared to welcome the unanticipated opportunities that lie ahead if you have the correct resources and assistance. This post will serve as your manual, giving you the tools and perspective you need to not just get through life's changes, but to thrive in them.

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Have you ever had the impression that you should be wary of people all the time? Maybe you feel invisible and unheard when a friend just talks about themselves and their achievements. On the other hand, it may be a partner who consistently downplays your feelings, making you feel like you're to blame for everything. These may indicate that you are with a narcissist.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic ex? If so, you're aware that encountering them can be an uncomfortable and overpowering experience. It might be difficult to know what to do while trying to maintain a friendly relationship or avoid touch entirely.

These experiences might bring back memories of past trauma, such as self-doubt, questioning your reality, and reminders of abuse. The love-bombing they did earlier in the relationship can further confuse your emotions. All of this can hit you at once, eliciting the fight-or-flight response.

That's why it's crucial to prepare. Knowing how you will react before you face them can make a significant impact. In this blog post, we'll go over the dos and don'ts of meeting your narcissistic ex, so you can stay safe and maintain your dignity throughout the encounter.

Remember that each relationship and situation is unique; therefore, a new strategy may be required. However, prioritizing your physical, mental, and...

5 Tips For Managing End-of-Year Stress and Anxiety

The holidays are a time of joy and twinkling lights, right? However, stress and anxiety often overshadow this season for many. Deadlines loom, social calendars explode, and the pressure to create a perfect holiday experience mounts. This frenzy triggers overwhelmed, frustration, and the feeling that there just aren't enough hours. In fact, a recent study by the American Psychological Association found that nearly 9 out of 10 U.S. adults experience holiday stress, often due to finances, missing loved ones, or even family tension.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. End-of-year stress and anxiety are common, leading to physical and emotional strain. But there's good news! This article equips you with seven powerful tips to manage stress, tame anxiety, and finish strong. We'll explore self-care, boundaries, mindset shifts, and more. You can transform a stressful season of anxiety into a time of joy and well-deserved rest by using these tips. Let's ditch the pressure and embrace a mindful...

happy woman in the outdoor surrounding

When it comes to mental and physical health, many individuals focus on one or the other. However, it’s important to care for both to maintain one’s well-being. This is because mental and physical health are closely connected, with both relying on each other. Keep reading as we explore this connection, then begin the road to healing with a telehealth counseling appointment from Inward Healing Therapy.

A woman looking out the window and being comforted

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are two of the most common and devastating mental health issues that countless individuals across the world grapple with every day. Individuals who suffer from trauma and PTSD are often faced with overwhelming mental, physical, and emotional distress, making it difficult to live a full and healthy life. But there is hope.

At Inward Healing Therapy, we understand the unique needs of those who have experienced trauma and are living with PTSD. Our counselors are specially trained in helping individuals work through the effects of trauma and PTSD. Read on to learn more and reach out to our specialists today with any concerns you may have.

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7 Steps to Getting Through a Breakup Without Losing Your Sanity

Breakups are never easy to go through, no matter what stage you’re in. Whether you and your partner broke up three days ago or three years ago, it can take some time before you feel normal again. You may feel depressed, anxious, or even completely lost as to where your life is going from here. But with the right steps, you can get through this breakup without losing your mind. We’ve put together seven actionable steps to help you get through your breakup and get back on your feet quickly and smoothly. Let’s get started!

Body Image Issues and Online Dating

In the past, couples met in real life. Romances kicked off with a simple conversation, a wink, or through friends of friends. People made snap decisions on who to date after making quick observations of the energy of the whole person. If they liked what they experienced in their company, they went for it.

But today’s online dating environment is different. Romances don’t emerge organically. Instead, daters have shopping lists of attributes their ideal partner must have. If they don’t fit the bill, it’s time to swipe left (say no).

Because of this, body image issues are coming to the fore. People are concerned about not being accepted because of the way they look. Women are conscious of their weight, while men worry about their height. If they don’t meet certain physical attributes, they feel priced out of the market.

If you’re struggling with body image issues related to online dating (which is most of us) this post is here to help. Here’s what to do:

How to support young people who are getting bullied for their sexuality

It’s not easy being a young person these days. There’s so much pressure to fit in and be like everyone else. Sadly many young LGBTQ+ people experience bullying over their sexuality or gender identity, something that can not only be emotionally distressing in the moment but have a significant impact on their long-term mental health and educational achievement, as well.

The good news is that LGBTQ+ youth no longer have to navigate the burdens of such difficult experiences as isolated and alone. Instead, you will find that there is plenty that you can do to support LGBTQ+ youths that are dealing with bullying, and help them thrive. Keep reading to find out more.

How to Manage Gun Violence Fear

Mass shootings have become an unfortunately regular occurrence all across America. In fact, as many as one-third of US adults report that they now avoid certain places and situations through fear of gun violence. High-profile get-togethers and even just bustling public places are certainly off the cards for many, while continual concerns can make relaxation difficult even in the comfort of our own homes.

None of this is conducive to our well-being, and it’s a worrying trend that highlights a very real and growing form of vicarious trauma as shootings continue to make national news. The escalating anxiety that’s possible as a result of this fear is especially concerning, but there are steps that you can take to better manage gun violence fear in general. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

Trauma: Recognizing Inherited Trauma

The media is starting to portray more traumatized characters, and society is starting to understand its negative impact on individuals and families. Trauma can cause the brain to develop adaptations in order to cope with frightening things that happened in the past in an attempt to increase their chances of survival. Those living with trauma often feel helpless, powerless, and may be unable to cope. It’s a frightening experience.

Inherited traumas are a little different. These aren’t always things you experience directly. Instead, they are traumas passed down from parents and caregivers to children.

You may have experienced this yourself. For example, your parents might have been traumatized by something and then passed this pain onto you. There is research to prove that generations can acquire the unfinished psychological tasks of their parents and from previous generations.

What to Know About Love Bombing and Signs to Look Out For

Dating a narcissist is a minefield, not least for the fact that you rarely know that’s what’s happening until the relationship has got going. There are definite toxic behaviors that make it easier to track what is going on, and one of the most dangerous of these behaviors is a practice known as love bombing. Along with gaslighting, love bombing is a sign of a narcissistic partner, which can quickly become dangerous. As we will see, it is a very sophisticated way of exerting control over a partner and one which is cropping up more and more often. But what is love bombing, and how can you tell that you are at risk from this behavior?

COVID-19: Will it ever end? Tips for coping with new variants

The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of those events that has changed the lives of everyone on the planet and has made its mark in history. Its impact has been so all-encompassing that we’ve found words and phrases entering our vocabularies that we would never previously have used. One word which has become common currency – particularly as the pandemic has gone on – is “variant”.

It has often seemed as though we are returning to some measure of normality only for a new variant to land. There have been several variants, with Delta and Omicron the most notable. And for those of us who are just hoping and praying for an end to Covid, the arrival of a new variant has been bad news, because it feels like all of the uncertainty and confusion that came with the start of the pandemic comes rushing back.

The Connection Between Social Media and Depression

It’s no secret that social media has become a significant part of our lives. Young people are now more connected to their phones than the people around them, and it can be difficult for parents to understand how social media affects their children. The relationship between depression and social media is complex, but there are some clear connections between the two – with young adults being particularly at risk.

Depression is a general term used to describe feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, and poor concentration.

Depression is defined as “a mental disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss or loneliness interfere with daily life” by the Mayo Clinic. Depression can cause feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, and poor concentration.

Is Social Media Linked to Depression? It seems like many would say yes. Different types of depressive disorders can have other causes, but there is no doubt social media...

5 Tips for Conquering Holiday Depression

The holidays are a time for joy, happiness, and family. But they can also be stressful and overwhelming. This holiday season, there is no need to feel like you’re alone in your feelings of sadness or anxiety that accompany the end of the year. We’ve put together five tips that will help you cope with Holiday Depression:

Childhood Trauma – When your Past is Not in the Past - Inward Healing Therapy

If you’ve ever experienced childhood trauma, then it’s something that happened to you many years ago. Some of us aren’t even aware that we’ve been through a traumatic experience, while others know that something happened, but they’ve tried to forget about it.

Despite the fact it happened a long time ago – and despite the fact you may not even know you’ve experienced it – childhood trauma affects millions of adults in the present. The lingering effects of childhood trauma can play on your mind as you grow older, often impacting some of your daily habits. It can affect relationships, your mood, life decisions – and so much more.

Consequently, you need to understand how to deal with any trauma you experienced as a child. This starts by identifying the different types of trauma and seeing if you suffered from any. Then, you need to look at your current life and see if you exhibit telltale signs of trauma affecting you right now. From here, you can work towards finding solutions to help with your childhood trauma, getting over the pain, and no longer letting it run your...


October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, a time when clinicians and their communities come together to spread awareness and combat mental illness. By working together, we can all promote the importance of mental health screenings while reducing the stigma associated with mental health illnesses.


For many children, childhood is a time of wonder, play, and discovery. These children have parents who give them the safety and security to explore the world around them and grow to reach their full potential.

But some children have one or more parents who lack the right skills or behavior to allow their children to feel safe, secure, and unconditionally loved. Those children who are raised by someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often experience prolonged trauma, and the effects of this trauma can linger into adulthood.


Recent data suggests that over half of the people in this country feel stress. And a lot of it!

Sadly, when many people feel stressed, they tend to lean into bad habits, like drinking, smoking and eating junk food. What they should be doing is more yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.

More and more studies are now proving yoga can help people deal with stress and anxiety. But sadly, not enough people realize the benefits of yoga. And that’s why September has officially become National Yoga Awareness Month.

Besides helping to relieve stress and anxiety, yoga also offers some other pretty terrific benefits:


Codependency is a term that describes an unhealthy or unbalanced relationship where one person’s needs are met while the others aren’t. Codependent people are said to “enable” the bad behavior of a loved one by supporting them, no matter if it negatively affects their own well-being.

As an example, a parent may have a hard time setting healthy boundaries by telling their grown addict son or daughter their behavior is unwelcomed and they must move out. This is a bit of a lose/lose scenario because enabling this bad behavior stalls recovery and only perpetuates the problem. In addition, the codependent parent puts themselves in harm’s way, mentally, emotionally, and perhaps even physically.

Codependency in romantic relationships may look like fear of abandonment, difficulty identifying feelings and expressing them, feeling overly responsible for their partners actions, a tendency to do more than their share a lot of the time, unhealthy dependence on their partner, an extreme need for approval and recognition, guilt when asserting themselves, need to control others,...


It has been a very long year. Lockdowns and social distancing have had a profound impact on our hearts and minds. But thankfully, as the vaccines roll out and the country begins to slowly open back up, we are beginning to return to some kind of normal.

While many people are jumping for joy with the idea of taking part in normal social gatherings and getting back to their social lives, there are also those individuals who are feeling a bit of social anxiety at the same time. This is understandable and totally normal, given our drastic change in lifestyle and routine.

Being social requires a set of skills. We learned as children how to interact with those around us. As we grew older, we learned even more of the intricate and complex social structures, norms, and rules. Being away from society for a year or more has put a kink into these important skills for many of us. You may have learned how to ice skate as a kid, but if you haven’t been on skates for years, there’s a good chance you’ll be a little rusty when you first get back out there.

Here are some tips for...
