The Do’s and Don’ts of Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

The Do’s and Don’ts of Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic ex? If so, you're aware that encountering them can be an uncomfortable and overpowering experience. It might be difficult to know what to do while trying to maintain a friendly relationship or avoid touch entirely.

These experiences might bring back memories of past trauma, such as self-doubt, questioning your reality, and reminders of abuse. The love-bombing they did earlier in the relationship can further confuse your emotions. All of this can hit you at once, eliciting the fight-or-flight response.

That's why it's crucial to prepare. Knowing how you will react before you face them can make a significant impact. In this blog post, we'll go over the dos and don'ts of meeting your narcissistic ex, so you can stay safe and maintain your dignity throughout the encounter.

Remember that each relationship and situation is unique; therefore, a new strategy may be required. However, prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional safety is critical. If you feel dangerous, don't be afraid to call a friend, ask security for help, or walk away, especially at night.

Dos When Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

Stay calm and carry on

It can be hard to stay level-headed when you’re surprised by seeing your ex, but it’s important to remain as calm as possible. Take a few deep breaths and remember that, although it can be uncomfortable, you are in control of how you react. Make sure your body language is not open and inviting. Depending on the situation and environment, you can face them away, change your path if you’re walking, look away, look at your phone, step away and call a friend, etc. If you anticipate encountering them in places like familiar restaurants, the gym, or running errands, consider packing sunglasses to avoid eye contact or opting for headphones to indicate your lack of interest in discussions. Keep calm and carry on!

Be Assertive

If they put you in a position where you must interact with them, be assertive. This does not imply that you should be confrontational, but rather that you should stand up for yourself and express your feelings confidently and directly. Express your emotions quietly yet firmly. If they try to chat with you, be polite, but explain that you do not have time to talk. If they insist, raise your palm to signify "stop," tell them you're not interested, and keep moving. Narcissists are concerned with their image; therefore, this approach may be effective in public. If necessary, politely state that you will not allow any attempts to influence or dominate you.

Most importantly, stay within your boundaries. Once you've established that your ex will respect them, stick with them. Avoid reentering the same harmful environment.

Finally, realize that you owe nothing to your narcissistic ex. You have the freedom to leave any conversation if it becomes unpleasant.

Move On

Focus on yourself and all of the positive things that are happening in your life. Do not let them bring you down, and remind yourself that they are no longer part of your life. Refrain from talking about the past, as this will only bring up feelings of sadness and confusion. Be confident in your decisions, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad for moving on.

Take the time to practice self-care and do something that makes you happy. Find activities that bring you joy and peace of mind, and remind yourself that you don’t need them in your life to be happy.

Be sure to surround yourself with people who make you feel safe and accepted. This is a great way to heal and feel more empowered in the situation. Lastly, be damn proud of yourself for not allowing this harmful person access to you.

Don'ts When Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

Don't get drawn in

It can be tempting to interact with a narcissist and fall victim to their manipulations and lies. This is a big no-no! While it may be difficult to resist their charm and charisma, keep in mind that they are only trying to manipulate you into getting what they want. Avoiding any kind of interaction or conversation with them is the best way to go. You don't have to tell them the time of day, and you don't have to pretend that you're okay with them being in your presence. If possible, it's best to just walk away or ignore them altogether.

Don't let them see you sweat

When you run into your narcissistic ex, you may be tempted to let them see how uncomfortable they make you, or worse yet, to give in to their demands or expectations. Your narcissistic ex will take any opportunity to make themselves look better, smarter, and more powerful than you. So, no matter how difficult it might be, it’s important to keep your cool when you encounter them.

Try your best to not give them the satisfaction of knowing they have control over you. If they try to provoke you, try to change the topic or leave the conversation altogether. Refrain from having a debate or a power struggle. Stay in control of your emotions, and remember that no matter what they do or say, their behavior is a reflection of them, not of you.

Gray Area When Encountering Your Narcissistic Ex

There might be situations where a brief, polite interaction is unavoidable (e.g., shared custody arrangements). In these cases, keep interactions strictly focused on the necessary topic and maintain minimal eye contact. Remember, politeness doesn't equate to friendliness.

The Challenges of Encountering a Narcissistic Ex: A Minefield of Manipulation

Running into your narcissistic ex can feel like stepping into a minefield of emotional manipulation. Their core traits—grandiosity, lack of empathy, and a constant need for admiration—often translate into calculated behaviors designed to control the situation and leave you feeling disoriented.

The following are some difficulties you may encounter:

  • Emotional Triggers: Just their presence can revive past hurts and insecurities. They might use familiar tactics like guilt-tripping or gaslighting to make you question your own perception of reality.

  • Manipulation Tactics: Be prepared for attempts to rekindle the relationship with empty promises or flattery. They might try to shift blame for the past or downplay any abusive behavior. Watch out for attempts to draw you back in by using your emotions against you, such as feigning vulnerability.

  • Bragging and boasting: Their inflated sense of self-importance might lead them to brag about their successes, real or imagined, in an attempt to make you feel inferior.

  • The "Just Checking In" Act: Be wary of a seemingly casual encounter. They might be fishing for information about your life or trying to gauge your emotional state.

  • The Public Performance: If you encounter them in a public setting, be aware that they might use the opportunity to portray themselves in a positive light, possibly even using charm to win over bystanders.

These are just some of the potential challenges. Being aware of their manipulative tactics and avoiding their web is crucial.

The Power of Self-Care: Recharging and Healing After an Encounter

Running into your narcissistic ex can be emotionally draining. Taking time for self-care is crucial to processing your emotions, rebuilding your resilience, and promoting your overall well-being. Here are some powerful self-care practices to incorporate:

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help manage anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

  • Journaling: Expressing your thoughts and feelings on paper can be a cathartic experience and help you gain clarity on the situation.

  • Spend Time in Nature: Immersing yourself in nature has a well-documented calming effect. Take a walk in the park, hike in the woods, or simply sit outside and breathe in the fresh air.

  • Reconnect with loved ones: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your situation and can offer emotional support.

  • Engage in Creative Outlets: Express yourself creatively through activities like painting, writing, music, or dance.

  • Prioritize Physical Activity: Exercise releases endorphins, natural mood boosters that can combat feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling to cope with the emotional impact of encountering your ex, consider seeking professional help from a therapist. They can provide guidance on managing difficult emotions, setting boundaries, and fostering self-compassion.

Recall that taking care of oneself is essential, not optional. By prioritizing your well-being, you empower yourself to heal and move forward with confidence.

The Road to Healing and Moving Forward: A Brighter Future Awaits

The journey of healing after a narcissistic relationship takes time and dedication. Here are some key aspects to focus on as you move forward:

  • Focus on yourself. This is your time to prioritize your own happiness and well-being. Set goals that excite you, reconnect with hobbies you might have neglected, and rediscover your passions.

  • Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself. Healing is not linear, and there will be setbacks. Forgive yourself for past choices and celebrate your progress.

  • Embrace personal growth. Make the most of this encounter to learn more about yourself. What boundaries do you need to establish in future relationships? What are your deal breakers? Invest in personal growth activities like workshops, books, or therapy to strengthen your emotional resilience.

  • Let Go of the Need to Forgive (Your Ex): Forgiveness is a complex process, and it might not be attainable right now. Focus on forgiving yourself and letting go of resentment. You will ultimately suffer more if you hold onto your anger.

  • Celebrate Your Strength: Acknowledge your courage and resilience in leaving the relationship and taking control of your life. Be proud of your progress..

Remember, the future holds immense possibilities. By focusing on your own healing, personal growth, and well-being, you create a foundation for healthy and fulfilling relationships.


Encountering your narcissistic ex can be a challenging experience. However, by employing the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can navigate these situations with confidence and prioritize your emotional well-being. Remember, self-care is essential on your journey towards healing. Focus on yourself, embrace personal growth, and know that a brighter future awaits.

This blog post is just a starting point. If you're struggling to cope or need further support, consider seeking professional help from a therapist specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery. You're not alone on this journey.

FAQs About Encountering Narcissistic Ex

1. I have to interact with my ex because we share custody. How can I minimize contact?
Keep interactions strictly focused on logistical issues relating to childcare. Communicate through a documented method, like email, and avoid unnecessary conversations.
2. My ex keeps trying to contact me. What should I do?
If you don't need to communicate, don't respond. If necessary, block their phone and social media accounts. Consider legal options, such as a cease-and-desist order, if harassment continues.
3. I'm worried I'll run into my ex at a social event. How can I prepare?
Casually mention to the event host that you might see your ex and would appreciate it if they didn't draw attention to it. Keep an exit strategy in mind, such as having a friend ready to whisk you away if needed.
4. Is it okay to badmouth my ex to friends and family?
While venting to trusted loved ones can be helpful, constant negativity can be draining. Focus on your healing and growth. Let your actions speak louder than words by showcasing how well you're doing.
5. I'm struggling to move forward. Should I seek professional help?
Absolutely. A therapist specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery can provide invaluable guidance and support as you heal from your emotional wounds and rebuild your self-esteem.